Saturday, January 29, 2011

What Happens When Your Retirement Fund Is Not Enough..?

Just imagine, upon reaching retirement and you discover that your retirement fund is not enough. Surely, there is nothing good that can come out of this situation. Several immediate scenarios come to mind as illustrated below.
  • You have to continue working.
  • If you do not have a job now, you have to go looking for one.
  • If you are unable to get another job due to your age or heath problems, you still need to find a way to generate an income.
  • You may have to depend on your own children to support you (if they are working) or you may have to turn to close relatives for help.
  • Psychologically and emotionally, you will feel desperate and depress.
  • You have to be extra careful on your spending as every cent counts.
  • You have to change your lifestyle to ensure that whatever savings you have in hand now is sufficient to meet your needs for as long as possible (known as stretching the dollar). You may have to watch what you eat to cut down on grocery bills, to reduce your outings to cut back on car petrol and maintenance expenses, etc.
  • You may even have to sell your valuables, belongings or properties to support yourself and your family. You may even have to sell off your house and move to a cheaper rented place. This actually happened to someone I know.
  • Your retirement may not seem like a retirement at all as you continue to struggle to make ends meet. However at old age, you may not have the energy or good health to do the work like when you were young. Retirement is supposed to be a time to rest and enjoy your hobbies, not to continue to earn a living.
Overall, everything in life may seem really bleak. Not only you alone may suffer but also your spouse and children if they are dependent on you. If you are unsure about your retirement future, it is good to do something about it now to avoid the above scenarios. For those who are confident about their retirement nest egg then there is no harm to re-evaluate your financial situation from time to time. Do not forget to factor in inflation as part of your calculation. Remember that RM100 today may not carry the same value 10, 20 or 30 years from now.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Life 88 - Produk terbaru dari MAA Takaful


MAA Takaful telah melancarkan satu produk 'whole life' yang di namakan dengan nama MAA Takaful Life 88 Plan. Ianya adalah produk whole life yang cover orang yang dilindungi sehingga umur 88 tahun (dari kematian).

Antara ciri2 Produk adalah :-
1) Cover sehingga umur 88 tahun

2) TPD sehingga umur 74 tahun - satu2nya di Msia yang cover TPD hingga umur 74
3) Pengeluaran tunai selepas tahun ke - 3 dengan baki di dalam RM3,000
4) Tahun pertama dah ada cash value....
dan banyak lagi lah ciri2  yg di tawarkan oleh Life 88.

nanti saya akan update ciri2 tentang produk ini di
Betapa Besarnya Peluang Yang Hadir Dalam Hidup Anda Ia Tidak Akan Merubah Masa Depan Jika Tiada Sebarang Tindakkan Yang Di Ambil.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Peluang Tetap Akan Menjadi Peluang Bukan Milik Anda Jika Tiada Usaha Untuk Mencapainya......Yakin Anda Boleh Itu Merupakan Aset Penting Untuk Anda Berjaya. Mulai 1 Januari Sehingga Akhir Febuari 2011 Anda Perlu Berusaha Keras Untuk Turut Serta Dengan Percutian 6 Bintang Ini ( Tiket + Penginapan + Makan ) Ke Pulau BALI Indonesia. Hanya Dengan Membawa Business Ke MAA TAKAFUL Dengan FYP8,888 Dan Bagi Yang Kontrak November 2010 Hanya Perlu Membawa FYP4,888 Anda Akan Menyertai Percutian Awal Tahun 2011 Pada April Ini PERCUMA Dan Di Sertakan Dengan Wang Poket Berjumlah Rm2,000. Macam Mana...? Lihat Sahaja Atau Kerja Keras..? Hadiahkan Diri Anda Dengan Percutian Hebat Ini. Kejayaan Dalam Mencapai Sesuatu Tiada Rahsia, Ianya Hanyalah Atas Usaha Yang Bersungguh-Sungguh Secara Berterusan Dan Tidak Kenal Erti Putus Asa. Mari Ramai-Ramai Kita Tempah Tiket Ke BALI..!

*smartmedic tidak dikira dalam contest ini


The best investment comes in many forms. I was frequently asked this same question over and over again. Let's see how some successful people answer the same question:

Ask a Successful businessman

On page 45 of Personal Money Issue #93 May 2009, Lim Chung Chun, the co-founder of iFast Corp Pte. Ltd. said,
My best investment has been in iFAST. This has been my single-biggest investment and the most profitable so far.
iFast is a multi-national investment services provider that has presence in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and India.
A successful businessman invest a lot in his own business. Ask Ray Kroc about his best investment, I bet he will say “McDonald”!

Ask a Successful Architect

On page 47 of Personal Money Issue #88 December 2008, Zaini Zainul said,
I concentrate on real estate. I guess that, being an architect, it is what I know best. I dont play in the stock market, as there are short-term success and risk involved.
Zaini is a very successful architect who designed the Perbadanan Putrajaya Complex and Putrajaya Shangri-La Hotel at Putrajaya.

Ask a CEO

On page 43 of Personal Money Issue #92 April 2009, Mohamed Akwal Sultan, CEO of the Credit Counselling and Debt Management Agency (AKPK) said,
I have a couple of good investments. One of the best happened when I first started working. I took a small loan to buy Amanah Saham Nasional unit trust way back in 1982. I've not touched that amount, and the compounding effect and accumulation of dividends have ballooned into quite a comfortable sum now.
You are a successful person in the Employee Quadrant when you become a CEO of a company. When you are focusing on your job and career and being a passive investor, unit trust may be the best investment for you.

What is my best investment?

My best investment so far is my life insurance agency business. I invested some money and a lot of time in these business. These businesses give me regular streams of income. Although the income generated are not totally passive, but they allow me not to work for months without worrying about income loss.

What is the best investment for you?

From the examples above, it is apparent that there is no such thing as the best investment that suits everyone.
The best investment for you is something you
  • are passionate about
  • can leverage on
  • have total control


2010 Telah Berlalu Banyak Suka Duka Kehidupan Yang Kita Lalui Sepanjang Tahun Lepas. Adakah Kehidupan Kita Telah Berubah Dari 2009 Ke 2010 Dan Kini 2011..? Apa Pun Yang Kita Miliki Sepanjang Tahun-Tahun Yang Lepas Semua Itu Bukanlah Nasib Tetapi Usaha Yang Kita Lakukan.
Semoga 2011 Lebih Menjanjikan Kehidupan Dan Ekonomi Yang Lebih Baik Untuk Anda Semua. Tingkatkan Usaha Untuk Hasil Yang Lebih Baik Untuk Tahun Ini........WELCOME 2011